Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Describe and explain the periodic trends of the period 3 elements Na - Ar

Describe and explain the periodic trends of the period 3 elements Na - Ar Properties of the elements of period 3 (Na - Ar) to illustrate the periodic trendsWhat is periodicity?Periodicity is the repeating pattern in which the elements are arranged in the periodic table, these are some of the trends shown from looking at the periodicity of the elements.Atomic radiusAn atom doesn't have a fixed radius. The radius of an atom can only be found by measuring the distance between the nuclei of two touching atoms, and then halving that distance. Atomic radius is measured in nm.The graph shows that atomic radius decreases across a period (from left to right). This is because the number of protons in the nucleus increases so the nuclear charge increases. The force of attraction between the nucleus and the electrons increases so the electrons are drawn more tightly to the nucleus so the size of the atom (and the atomic nucleus) decreases.chart of atomic radius versus atomic number (not c...The atomic radius of Argon cannot be measured because it is a noble gas so doe sn't form bonds.First Ionisation energyThe first ionisation energy is the energy required to remove the most loosely held electron from one mole of gaseous atoms to produce 1 mole of gaseous singly charged positive ions. Ionisation energy is measured in Kjmol.M(g) - M+(g) + e-First ionisation energy increases across a period because going across the period the number of protons in the nucleus increases so the nuclear charge in each element increases therefore the force of attraction between the nucleus and outer electron is increased, and there is a negligible increase in shielding because each successive electron enters the same energy level so more energy is needed to remove the outer electron.Some anomalies occur in this graph and other graphs of first ionisation energy. The Anomaly in this graph...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Wounded Knee Massacre Essay Example

Wounded Knee Massacre Essay Example Wounded Knee Massacre Essay Wounded Knee Massacre Essay â€Å"Wounded Knee Massacre† Melinda Belcher May 2, 2010 In 1848 a series of gold and silver discoveries signaled the first serious interest by white settlers in the arid and semiarid lands beyond the Mississippi, where many Indian nations had been forced to migrate. To open more land, federal officials introduced in 1851 a policy of â€Å"concentration. † Tribes were pressured into signing treaties limiting the boundaries of their hunting grounds to â€Å"reservations† The Sioux tribe was limited to the Dakotas. The treaties that claimed the Indians provisions would not follow through; land hungry pioneers broke promises of the government by squatting on Indian lands and then demanded federal protection. The government in turn forced more restrictions on the Indians. This cycle of broken promises was repeated until a full-scale war between whites and Indians raged in the west. (U. S. A Narrative History, 2009) By the mid-1880’s there were some 180 reservations in the west, containing approximately 240,000 American Indians. Among the last to be confined were the Sioux, who fought fiercely to keep their freedom. Nevertheless, a treaty in 1889 created six small reservations in the Dakotas: Pine Ridge, Rosebud, Cheyenne River, Crow Creek, Lower Brule, and Standing Rock. The Sioux tribe suffered crop failures in the summers of 1889 and 1890. White settlers were killing all the bison, plus epidemic of sickness, brought bitterness and poverty to the Sioux, who were ripe for any vision promising them relief. (U. S. A Narrative History, 2009) (Stanley I. Kutler, 2003) In 1890 a religious revival spread when word came from the Nevada desert that a humble Paiute named Wovoka had received revelations from the Great Spirit. Wovoka preached that if his followers adopted his mystical rituals and lived together in love and harmony, the Indian dead would rise, whites would be driven from the land, and game would be thick again. As the rituals spread, alarmed settlers called the shuffling and chanting the â€Å"Ghost Dance†. Soon delegates from many tribes traveled to visit Wovoka, several Sioux among them. Prominent were Chief Kicking Bear and his brother-in-law, Short Bull; enamored of the Ghost Dance, they brought the new religion to Rosebud, Pine Ridge, and Standing Rock. (U. S. A Narrative History, 2009) (Stanley I. Kutler, 2003) Although the Ghost Dance was performed peacefully by most tribes, among the Sioux it became a rallying cry against the whites. Kicking Bear and Short Bull argued that their people had to assist the Great Spirit in regaining their freedom. A holy shirt was invented, a â€Å"ghost shirt† painted with sacred, magic symbols. It was believed that not even bullets could harm a person wearing such a shirt. The Ghost Dance dominated life on the Sioux reservations, greatly disturbing the government agents. There was little or no understanding of the ritual’s meaning, and agitated agents and military officers were alarmed at what they perceived to be a â€Å"war dance†. (Stanley I. Kutler, 2003) (U. S. A Narrative History, 2009) In December of 1890 in Standing Rock, the army had suspicions of a Sioux holy man and staunch champion to be behind the Ghost Dance frenzy. The man they suspected was Sitting Bull, the army attempted to arrest Sitting Bull, during the arrest Sitting Bull was killed. His death increased tensions between Indians and soldiers. Hundreds of Sioux fled Standing Rock, many seeking refuge with Chief Red Cloud at Pine Ridge or with Chief Big Foot (also known as Spotted Elk) at Cheyenne River. Both chiefs were traditionalists, though Big Foot had been the earliest in accepting the Ghost Dance. Trying to preserve peace, Red Cloud invited Big Foot and his band to Pine Ridge, a move heartily desired army and the Indian Bureau as well. (Stanley I. Kutler, 2003) Big Foot led his people toward Pine Ridge, setting out on December 23, 1890. Their movements were tracked by the army, fearful of treachery. On December 28, only 20 miles from Pine Ridge, a squadron of Seventh Cavalry, Custer’s former command, intercepted the band. Big Foot, ill with pneumonia, persuaded Major Samuel M. Whiteside, in command, that he and his people would come peacefully. That night Indians and soldiers camped together beside Wounded Knee Creek. Accounts list 350 Indians, 230 of them women and children, while the Seventh Cavalry counted 500 men. (Stanley I. Kutler, 2003) On the day of December 29, 1890, Colonel James W. Forsyth took command, he ordered his men surround the Indian camp; Hotchkiss guns were posted overlooking the whole camp. Forsyth ordered Big Foot and other leaders to confer with him. He announced that he wanted to disarm all the Indians and he would be sending soldiers into the tipis, searching for weapons. Yellow Bird, a medicine man urged resistance, assuring his people they could not be harmed while wearing their ghost shirts. Black Coyote, said by some Indian witnesses to be deaf, refused to surrender his Winchester rifle; in the struggle, the gun went off. Both sides began firing, and indiscriminate killing followed. Most of the Indians had been unarmed at the time of the attack. Firing fifty rounds a minute, the Hotchkiss guns devastated the Indian camp. Women and children were slaughtered along with the men, few escaping. The fighting lasted less an hour, but Big Foot and more than half of his people were dead. The army’s loses were only around twenty-five, Surviving Indians were loaded into wagons and taken to Pine Ridge, while some were admitted to a military hospital most were taken to the floors of a Episcopal church. (Stanley I. Kutler, 2003) The nationwide reaction to the Wounded Knee massacre was split; some people praised the soldiers, others condemned them. In actuality, neither side seems to have plotted the battle or been able to foretell the tragedy. Mutual fear and suspicion were among the underlying causes of the event. Sioux holy man Black Elk was at Pine Ridge when the massacre occurred. After the fighting ended, he went to Wounded Knee. When he saw the many corpses, he recognized in them the â€Å"killing of a dream. † It was the end of Indian armed resistance to the United States as well as the end of the Ghost Dance and its promise of a new world. (Stanley I. Kutler, 2003) Bibliography James Davidson, B. D. (2009). U. S. A Narrative History. New York: McGraw Hill Comapanies Inc. Stanley I. Kutler, E. (2003). Dictionary of American History, Third Edition. New York: The Gale Group, Inc.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategic Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Strategic Marketing - Essay Example Corporate strategy makers should focus on identifying the synergies existing between different operating units. For this purpose, most successful organizations develop their marketing strategy in tune with the corporate strategy for the whole company. Different companies accomplish this goal in a multitude of ways and there exists considerable debate regarding the method in which the strategies for functional activities of the firm might be coherently developed with the corporate strategy of the firm (Furrer, 2010). However, one action is found to be common among most of the companies around the globe. Their executive board, which is responsible for framing the organizational corporate strategy, consists of representative members from all the functional areas within the firm (Raynor, 2007). The fact that is implied in this context is that the importance of marketing in corporate decision making goes unchallenged. Marketing activities make one of the largest contributions among other functional activities. In this section of the paper, the importance of marketing in corporate strategy is explored. ... Such synchronization might be made and mismatches between the product development strategy and marketing strategy might be minimized if the basic marketing framework is chalked out centrally by the executive board of the organization (Collis, n.d.). Evidence brief (organize the evidence) Corporate strategy making is an important function for any growth oriented firm. Often, marketers and critics make a fine distinction between the ‘business strategy’ and ‘corporate strategy’ of an organization. Commonly, in business terms, business strategy is the set of strategies developed by strategists in an organization in order to ensure that none of the different business ventures of organizations become successful as individual business units. The strategy adopted by a single strategic business unit (SBU) within a diversified organization is known as the business strategy. But, corporate strategy deals with the operations of the organization as a whole. Therefore, bu siness strategy might be considered as a part of the corporate strategy. Discussions regarding corporate strategy are always made parallel to the mechanisms that run within the entire organization (Ignatiuk, 2009). This implies that all functions within the organization have to be considered while making the firm’s corporate strategy. Distinctive components within the corporate strategy link the different parts of the organization and act as the driving force behind enhancing corporate interaction. Various evidences show that a successful corporate strategy is a compilation of seven different strategic fields. Each one of the field is strongly demarcated from one another and each one of them holds a specific importance within the sphere of corporate

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Minutes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Minutes - Essay Example Next, COL Haselden talked about the Garrison Leadership off site Conference that was held in Washington, DC on March 26 and 27, 2009. It was a very productive off site conference, which had around 60 employees who participated. During the conference, a professional Strategic Planner assisted our leaders in identifying the current critical issues and the actions that needed to improve. COL Haselden also talked about the mission statement that was slightly modified to include a safe and secure environment on the installation. He discussed the good and successful work accomplished over the past couple of years. Every Directorate and office had been successful in meeting their mission. However, the infrastructure on the installation is the most visible proof of our hard work, according to him. COL Haselden indicated that some issues in the focus area were customer service, Processional Development, Team Work, and Public Relation He talked about obtaining business cards of customer service representatives because he is a staunch advocate of good customer service. According to COL Hasleden, team work is very important. COL Hasleden was very impressed by the amount of team work that we exhibited at the Offsite and throughout the Garrison. Ms. Weatherington reported that the Civilian Development army is relying more heavily on its Civilian workforce to generate force and sustain our commitments. We are in competition for talented civilians with other government agencies and the private industry. Furthermore, she stated that we need to sustain the Civilian Corps contribution and the future depends upon the investment we make today. Ms. Moorash stated that the established assessment recognized by the industry is a solid predictor of occupational interests of the employees. It is beneficial to those starting to explore their education and career interests, but it is likewise used for confirmation that individuals are in the most appropriate career

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Life Cycle Assessment Essay Example for Free

Life Cycle Assessment Essay This Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) aims to evaluate the environmental impact of the production of candlesticks. All the different materials and processes required to manufacture candles need to be taken into consideration to determine the impacts on the environment. The most common material used to manufacture candles is paraffin wax. Each candle comes in some type of individual packaging most of the time. Candle wicks are made using various natural fibers, such as reeds, rushes, or cotton. An important refinement in wick technology introduced the plaited wick, which burned more than unplaited wicks. Currently, twisted or plaited cotton makes up most of the wicks. The candlestick is made of steel, or could also be made of metal. The functional unit will be a 125ml candle able to generate up to 25 hours of light. Each steel-made candlestick can only hold one candle, and can be used several times. Inputs: †¢Paraffin wax †¢Cotton †¢Metal †¢Materials for packaging Outputs: †¢Gas emissions: when candles burn, paraffin wax emits greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide. †¢Depletion of natural resources: paraffin wax is derived from crude oil. Paraffin candles are petroleum products, a non renewable resource. It could increase pollution due to oil spills and the processes needed to extract petroleum. At the same time, the extraction of metal needed for the candlestick causes large volumes of solid waste, requires large amounts of energy, and produces air, soil, and water pollution. †¢Chemicals toxicity: some candles might have lead or zinc in their wick, which release harmful gasses when they burn. Also, scented candles can release toxins from the chemicals used to give them scent. Question 2 of 3 (10 points) Corporate Environmental Management Tools †¢Ecolabelling: Swan eco-label was developed for candles by the Nordic ecolabelling. The main purpose is to reduce the emission and effect of substances harmful to users’ health and the reduction of gases that have and impact on climate change. According to this scheme, 19 out of 28 are environmental requirements, such as description of the candle, description of chemical additives, among others. †¢Design for the Environment: Enabling consumers to quickly identify products that are safer and that can help protect the environment will make them choose a certain product more frequently. If manufacturers start focusing on producing candles that are made from the safest possible ingredients, consumers, producers, and the environment will benefit. †¢Sustainability reports: Keeping track of environmental performance and the capacity of a company to use and maintain resources in a way that prevents depletion, will improve economic, and social performance. If candles can be produced in a more sustainable way, that is, using substitutes sources that are renewable and less harmful, the final product will be more successful in all the areas. Therefore, reporting this information will allow constant improvement of all the processes. †¢Integrated supply chain management: It is important to know which stages in a supply chain are the ones that are being less efficient, and negatively affecting the production of a good, in this case, candlesticks. Determining these processes can enable their improvement to have a more environmentally friendly supply chain. †¢Carbon footprint: As we need metals for producing a candlestick, we depend on large amounts of energy and, if the energy is generated using fossil fuels, it has a large carbon footprint. Measuring carbon footprint allows the whole manufacturing process to be analyzed, realizing which stages have a stronger impact and how can they be improved. †¢Cleaner production: improvement of the machinery used in each stage of production can decrease the environmental impact of producing candles, as it will decrease waste created after different processes. It can also make the processes more efficient, benefiting the company. Development of technology has made these improvements possible. †¢Stakeholder analysis: every single company must consider all the interested parts in a product as they are the ones that decide how successful and efficient a good will is. If the manufacturing of candlesticks is for example affecting the surroundings of a plant, people, that are consumers too , can generate social impacts that will worsen the company’s performance and image. Question 3 of 3 (4 points) Challenges and limitations Candles can be made of different types of wax that have different impacts on the environment. Some of the raw materials that could be used to produce a candle can be less harmful than others. The candleholder life span could vary depending on the quality of the metal that is being used. Therefore, changing the life span of the candlestick. Transition from a â€Å"Cradle to Grave† to a â€Å"Cradle to Cradle† Steel has high scrap metal recycling value. Old metal material can be reused to make new products. Recycling old metal products uses 95% less energy than manufacturing it using new materials. Metal recycling processes require using a lot of energy. If we recycle metal products we only have to use a low percentage of this total energy, decreasing the use of our natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To minimize wasteful wrapping of candles, the material used for packaging can reduce the environmental impact by choosing more recyclable materials. Aluminum, for instance, could be used as a base for the candles, or even to manufacture a candleholder, considering it can be easily recycled. Glass, can be recycled too, reused, and even upcycled into new materials or products. Avoiding candles with extra plastic packaging can also decrease the negative impacts on the environment. In addition to packaging decisions, considering the materials used for manufacturing of candles can benefit the producers, consumers and the environment. For example, soy and beeswax candle emit fewer harmful chemicals when burned. Another way to reduce pollution is to buy from local candlemakers. This reduces wasteful packaging, and there is no need to transport raw materials to a farther manufacturing plant, and to consumers at longer geographical distances. Thus, reducing fuel usage and supporting local bus inesses as well.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Protagonist in A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry :: Character Analysis

In the Play â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun† by Lorraine Hansberry there are two main character’s that many people debate upon to be the protagonist of the play. Those two characters are Mama and Walter. The story is about an African American family living in Chicago in the 1950’s. During this time period race was a large issue in that area. The family consists of three generations, Mama being the mother and grandmother has a lot of responsibilities as what I see her to be as the families anchor. The next generation is Walter his wife Ruth and his sister Beneatha. Walter and Ruth have a song Travis who is ten years old at the time of this play. Mama is the moral supporter of the family and believes that everything has a purpose and that things should be done by design. One of the main events in this play is the life insurance settlement check for ten thousand dollars that Mama receives. This being a large amount of money during that time period creates many a rguments between the families about what to do with the money. Walter is the type of guy that believes his family shouldn’t settle like everyone else and believes that they shouldn’t be held back just because they are an African American family living in what is referred to as a â€Å"white man’s world†. I believe that Walter is the protagonist of the play for two main reasons, he isn’t a selfish man, he doesn’t feel the family should be limited because they are African American and he has distinct options or plans for the future of his family. The first reason I believe that Walter is the protagonist is because he isn’t a selfish man. What I mean by this is when he is talking about issues he tends to discuss family issues above his own personal things. Though at times in the play when he is drunk and loses his temper he does start speaking selfishly, I believe that his overall attitude in the play is for his family to move up the world. I believe that Walter’s son Travis is the main reason why he acts so unselfishly. He seems to want the best for this son and doesn’t want his son to feel that there isn’t anything he can’t have or do.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Simpsons: an Imperfect Ideal Family

The Simpsons: An Imperfect Ideal Family The essay The Simpsons: An Imperfect Ideal Family was a paper written by Eliezer Van Allen explaining how the popular T. V show The Simpsons was not so unrealistic and impractical as many Americans had thought it to be. In fact, The Simpsons was, more or less, a â€Å"â€Å"cracked-mirror version† of our own imperfect but lovable selves† just in a cartoon, sitcom type form.This essay talks about how The Simpsons family often reflects the way many current families live and how, although many individual characteristics in a family member may not always be the best, as a whole a family will often come together and help one another constructing a strong family bond. Although Van Allen over exaggerates the obstacles of the everyday life, he refers to The Simpsons as a â€Å"nuclear† resemblance of the typical 20th century family.Throughout the essay, Van Allen often uses many literary techniques/ rhetorical devices to help the r eader understand the effectiveness of the piece. Humour is used when Van Allen makes a personal connection to the fact that at the beginning of each Simpsons episode, the Simpsons family all run to the couch and sit in their â€Å"specific† spot, just like his own. He refers to this as a â€Å"mirror image of my couch-dwelling family†.Having this humour presented in the essay allows for the reader to stay attentive and wanting to read more, as humour often keeps the reader interested. This often allows for the reader to have more of a connection with the author and to get more of a feel of what the authors thinking process is. Allegory is present throughout the essay as Bert and Lisa’s everyday behaviour allegorically teaches the lessons of the average American. For instance, in â€Å"Bart Sells His Soul† love and concern is shown by Lisa’s actions as she cares for him and always has his back.This contributes to the effectiveness of the piece becau se although many family members (individually) may not always be the best and act to their morals, as a family, everyone works together and helps each other’s weaknesses become strengths and will grow off the strengthens of one another, creating a family, as outlined by Richard Corliss, â€Å"they stick together with one another through thick and thin†. As a reader, this is thought to give the essay â€Å"personality† and with that comes good T.V reviews as viewers become attached and are able to relate to their own family/ real life scenarios. Periodic sentence is present when Van Allen refers to Matt Groening, The Simpsons creator, when he states â€Å"I knew that other kids were going to get serious and go on and be professional†¦ I never wanted to go to an office and carry a briefcase†, as it is only clear at the end of the sentence what Groening meant by that. He knew that â€Å"carrying a briefcase† wasn’t for him so he created a new way to express his talents and his passions.This contributes to the effectiveness of the piece because it forces the reader to keep reading to find out what the author was trying to say, and without doing so the main point of what the author is trying to get across is confusing and may often be misunderstood. Throughout the essay many literary terms/ rhetorical devices are present; these are just a few of many that really stuck out to me. Before reading Van Allen’s paper, I had never thought of The Simpsons in the way he had portrayed it, or the way Groening explained the story behind it.It wasn’t until fully reading and understanding Van Allen’s essay that I started to click into the logic behind the mirror image ideology that The Simpsons family portrayed of the typical 20th century American family. I felt that throughout the essay Van Allen supported his point of how The Simpsons portrayed the average 20th century family very well. He made a lot of person al connections that both any reader and I could easily relate too. For example, he talked about how The Simpsons was â€Å"that† T.V show for him and his family that they felt was the mirror-image of their family life. How they all ran to the T. V to watch The Simpsons episode that was coming on next, just how The Simpsons family does at the beginning of each episode. He also talked about how now a days, individual family members don’t always act appropriate and may have some horrible individual traits, from Bart’s rebelliousness, to Homer’s stupidity and foolishness, but as a group and family together they make the best come out in each other.No family has perfect kids or perfect parents but it’s the love and care that one another share, that matters most. This is taught throughout Van Allen’s essay about The Simpsons family in comparison to the average family now a day. To me, family means to always be there for another and always have eac h others back. Unlike friends, you can’t choose your family. You know that as much as they might get on your nerves sometimes, you must look past that, and find the good in what you are blessed with.While reading Van Allen’s essay I felt that I could relate to a lot of what he was saying and found it very easy to understand what he was trying to get across, which kept me wanting to read more. I strongly agree with Van Allen’s point on how The Simpsons is a character formatted sitcom version of the typical 20th century family. Overall, reading this essay has made me think about how much more relatable and relevant some of shows on T. V actually are. Every time I turn on the T.V and go to watch a sitcom type show especially, it makes me think about any possible story line or lesson that may be hidden behind the show that may benefit me in any way. Van Allen’s essay has made me truly appreciate the hard work and effort gone into such a show, as The Simpsons would have been the last show I would have thought to have a message behind it. All in all, Van Allen`s essay has given T. V shows a whole new outcome, as in how they are looked upon and I am more understanding of the meanings behind the â€Å"hidden messages† in our simple day to day shows.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

All about Deep Purple

Music is said to be around since the dawn of time and it has become an integral part of human life. It took different forms since its evolution and from drums to flutes and harps it became better and numerous instruments were added like piano and guitars. The introduction of electric guitar had the most promising effect on music history as it changed the whole form of music once it came into use by the introduction of guitar solo and heavy amplified guitar in hard rock and heavy metal music.Therefore hard rock and heavy metal music was initiated by the amplified distortion of heavy guitar playing and was called the noisy music by the soft music lovers. But it attracted the people in large numbers and became very popular in early 1970’s and is still recommended by many music listeners especially the young generation(Christe,80). The first bands which performed heavy metal music were Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple and became an attraction for millions of fans.Later on Judas Priest, Motorhead, Iron Maiden, Megadeth and Metallica improved the genre of heavy metal music and punk rock, hip hop, and death metal were introduced in the music industry. Since then many bands have taken over the charge of keeping the spirit of hard rock music alive and kicking. New blends of rock and pop music came into bring and a few mixed hip hop and rock music together to give people a new form of music which they can enjoy and spread.In this era when we talk about greatest rock bands, apart from the pioneers, Guns N Roses, U2, Nirvana, Slipknot, Aerosmith, Audioslave, Linkin Park etc. are mentioned, they have given the music industry some real brilliant songs and people not only appreciate all the new additions but they look up to more genres in music(Phillips,64). This paper talks about the heavy metal and hard rock band Deep Purple, the band’s history, discography and how they took the world by storm. Band’s History and Discography:The English band Deep Purple are said to be one of the pioneers of the heavy metal and hard rock music. The band was formed in February 1968 by Chris Curtis who was an ex-drummer of the band called The Searchers. At that time The Searchers was quite popular among the crowd and was said to be the rival of the great The Beatles but when Curtis left the band he formed a small band with some session players and had a hit called â€Å"Let’s Go to San Francisco† after which he decided to have a proper band .The band has gone through a lot of twists and turns with some of the members leaving the band and rejoining it later, some just joining the band for a short period of time and then leaving it while a few of them died. Deep Purple initially called â€Å"Roundabout† had the first line up of members with Ritchie Blackmore as guitarist, Chris Curtis and Dave Curtis for vocals, Jon Douglas Lord as pianist and on keyboards, Nick Simper as bassist and Bobby Woodman as drummer.But soon Cur tis left the band with his brother but Blackmore and Lord were enthusiastic to carry on the band and so Curtis was replaced by Rod Evans on vocals and when Curtis left Booby Woodman left the band too based on the fact that it was the experimental situation they were going through so Ian Paice came as the drummer for the band and is said to be the only original member who did not leave the band up till now. Therefore the â€Å"Roundabout† after their small tour of Denmark in 1968 changed the name of band to â€Å"Deep Purple† on Ritchie Blackmore’s suggestion.It is said that Blackmore’s grandmother loved the song deep purple on which he decided to credit her and this line up of band is said to be the Mark I line up and this band has went through almost VIII line ups. The Mark I line up started to gain fame after doing a cover of Hush a song by Joe South and it got 4th place on the US Billboard chart, the song was from their fist album â€Å"Shades of Deep Purple† released in 1968 after which they were signed up for some tours too.The band launched their second album â€Å"The book of Taliesyn† and it reached #38 on the US Billboard chart while the third album â€Å"Deep Purple† but due to bankrupting of the American record company Tetragrammaton and numerous tours, the band got left hanging on a thread with no future possibility and financial assets. Ultimately the group members were left in confusion resulting in Rod Evans and Nick Simper leaving the band after they were fired due to some internal matters.This resulted in the Mark II line up when vocalist and bassist were required by the band. After some searching and auditioning Ian Gillan was selected as the lead vocalist of the band with Roger Glover replacing Simper as bass guitarist. In this time period the band gained popularity with performance at the Royal Albert Hall called Concerto for Group and Orchestra with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra under the supervision of Malcolm Arnold.But despite the fact that this move made the band gain fame, some of the band members like Blackmore and Gillan were not amused by this as now the band was being labeled as â€Å"a group who played with orchestras† while their actual goal was to make this band a hard rock and heavy metal group but they did go on with it and later again performed with a different orchestra group.After the orchestral performance the band than started to concentrate on the album launching and finally the album was released in 1970 named â€Å"Deep Purple In Rock† and the song that went to top charts was â€Å"Black Night† which clearly portrayed that the band was a hard rock band as the Lord’s and Blackmore’s organs combination, Paice and Glover’s beat section along with the high screaming voice of Gillan made a lot of people their fans and Deep Purple, now, got the fame all over Europe.The second album during the Mark II line up was â€Å"Fireball† and was launched in 1971 ad the title track with the same name as album gained a lot of popularity among the fans. The members of the band were writing and composing songs at a fast pace as it is said that within a few weeks after the Fireball was released the band had already written and composed songs for the next album. The third album â€Å"Machine Head† was launched by this line up in 1971 in Switzerland and is said to be the band’s most favorite album as some incidents are related to it including the fire that broke out in a hotel and burnt down the whole casino.The song â€Å"Smoke on the Water† is its inspiration, while the other famous song this album had were â€Å"Highway Star† and â€Å"Lazy† so, after the success of the album the band made a tour of Japan and North America. The seventh album in Deep Purple’s history and fourth album of Mark II line up was released as â€Å"Who Do We Think We Are† in 1973 and had the famous number â€Å"Woman from Tokyo† however the internal affairs of the band were not sailing smoothly.So after the band’s second tour of Japan Ian Gillan and Roger Glover both resigned together on the basis that Ritchie Blackmore did not pay heed to their advices and his mood and terrible touring agenda was intolerable. Gillan then went out of the music scene and started a motorcycle manufacturing company and some years later formed his own band with his name while Glover carried out what he did best so after the two left the band the vacancy was to be filled thus auditions were carried out and vocalist David Coverdale and bassist cum vocalist Glenn Hughes were signed in.Coverdale used to play guitars but decided to sing after some support from the people while Glenn Hughes was known for his notable performance in â€Å"Trapeze†. This group or Mark III then launched their first album and overall eighth album titled â€Å"Burn† in February 1974, this album is also said to be the best comeback of the band as both the new members did their jobs in a brilliant and fruitful way producing a better output that the band required to get back in shape.The songs that made the spot light were â€Å"Might Just Take Your Life† and â€Å"Burn†( Thompson ,90). The second album was released named â€Å"Stormbringer† in 1974 but as this album had funky playback, although the album had many popular songs like â€Å"The Gypsy† and â€Å"Lady Double Dealer† guitarist Ritchie Blackmore again showed desperation and left the band in 1975 to form his own band Rainbow, stating that he was not into funky soul music.The departure of Ritchie Blackmore was the greatest set back for the band as his position was one of the most important and no other guitarist was available who could perform like him, but the real shock to the fans came when the band decided to carry on replacing the irreplaceable Blackmo re with Tommy Bolin who was an American famous for many musical performances making this a forth line up better known as Mark IV line up.So the band than released the album entitled â€Å"Come Taste the Band† in October 1975, the album was a hit but again the problems arrived with the band’s future when Bolin’s drug addiction interfered the bands performance as due to his condition many concerts and low scale appearances were being cancelled. The Mark IV only lasted a year after Bolin was found dead due to drug overdose while after the Britain’s tour in March 1976 Coverdale quit and the band officially announced the split in July 1976(Prato,35).The band was then split up for almost eight years and during this time each member started some side projects concentrating on them but after an eight year separation the band made a return with the Mark II line up in April 1984 and released an album â€Å"Perfect Strangers† in October 1984 and this time it was a massive hit reaching #6 on US Billboard 200. The band’s tour was initiated worldwide in Australia, North America and Europe which made the band financially better too.â€Å"The House of Blue Light† was the band’s twelfth album launched in 1987 but in 1989 Gillan was dismissed as the rivalry between him and Blackmore grew therefore he was replaced by vocalist Joe Lynn Turner who belonged to the band Rainbow of Blackmore. The Mark V line up than recorded only one album â€Å"Slaves & Masters† but this was not given a positive response by the fans as they thought it was more Rainbow than Deep Purple.So after the Mark V made a tour Turner was removed by the record company to bring Gillan back for the bands 25th anniversary, resistance was made by Blackmore but after some cash transfer he agreed and the Mark II line up again released the album â€Å"The Battle Rages On† which is the band’s fourteenth album however as the rivalry of Gillan a nd Blackmore was still on so Blackmore left the band for good in November 1993.Thus the band’s Mark VI line up came when the famous Joe Satriani replaced Blackmore but due to his own record company contracts he could not carry out the job permanently and therefore he left in 1994 after completing and helping he band with the tours. The band then drafted Steve Morse to take Blackmore’s position permanently and he is still the band’s member today. This was the Mark VII line up of Deep Purple and this line up was carried out till 2002 during which the band released the albums Perpendicular in 1996 and Abandon in 1998.In 2002 the band’s oldest and pioneer member Jon Lord left due to some personal reasons and his replacement was Don Airey who was a former member of Rainbow thus the band’s final Mark VIII line up came into being and almost two more albums were released named â€Å"Bananas† and â€Å"Rapture of the Deep†. This is the final c hange made in the band and currently the members o the band are Ian Gillan on vocals, Steve Morse on guitars, Roger Glover as bassist, Ian Paice on drums and Don Airey on keyboards(Heatley,74).Conclusion: Deep Purple is said to be the pioneer of heavy metal music and they have indeed proved it through hard rock songs which are still regarded as the best ever made and they were the inspiration to many young generation bands who loved hard rock. Deep Purple are said to be the one of the best touring bands of all time since their formation till present and they earned a unique award for selling 150,000+ tickets in 2007 in France.Listed as the â€Å"World’s Loudest Band† by Guinness Book of World Records they are surely one of the best bands that shaped the music industry and no matter how may changes occurred in the band members they continued to produce some best songs. Work Cited Page: Christe, I. , Sound of the Beast: The Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal, It Books, 2004. Heatley, M. , The Complete Deep Purple, Reynolds & Hearn, 2008. Phillips, W. , Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal Music, Greenwood, 2009. Prato, G. , Touched by Magic: The Tommy Bolin Story, Greg Pato, 2008. Thompson, D. , Smoke on the Water: The Deep Purple Story, ECW Press, 2004.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on The Strong Impact Slavery Had On The Spread Of Islam

The strong impact slavery had on the spread of Islam The word of the Quran had a strong influence on many cultures. The Muslims holy word was fitting to many and easily answered people’s questions on how to get into heaven and how to stay out of flaming hell. The spread of Islam moved quickly considering the extensive geography and different regions that were involved. While the word to the Quran brought guidance to many, Islam spread by word of mouth while trading and military conquests took place. (Stearn,68) Throughout this paper I hope to show how the African Diaspora and slavery both economically and geographically played a huge role in the spread of Islam. The Islam faith offered rules that where easily followed, and it didn’t condemn or renounce material wealth. Economically Muslims brought strong skills in navigation, trade, and commercial exchange. (Fiero, 50) The famous Jihad also translated as the â€Å"holy war† was used as a defense in faith against non-Muslims. Although the Muslim armies did have success in defending there faith and it was thought that the Muslim religion brought power and triumph. As Africans where traded into the Islamic world many of them accepted and agreed with the Islamic faith. (Stern, 68) One example of a military slave that converted to the Islamic belief was a man named Ammar bin Yasir. He was one of the first African’s to embrace Islam, which he did at 48 years old. He told his father, an old Sabena freedman and his mother, also an old black African slave-woman that he had converted to Muslim. They also decided to embrace the Islam culture. When Ammar made and early conversion to Islam he suffered a great deal for his decision. He was punished and tortured, he was forced to sit and witness the brutal and horrifying death of his mother and father for their decision to convert to the Muslim faith and embracing Islam. The pagan Quraysh put a burning rod through Ammara’s chest t... Free Essays on The Strong Impact Slavery Had On The Spread Of Islam Free Essays on The Strong Impact Slavery Had On The Spread Of Islam The strong impact slavery had on the spread of Islam The word of the Quran had a strong influence on many cultures. The Muslims holy word was fitting to many and easily answered people’s questions on how to get into heaven and how to stay out of flaming hell. The spread of Islam moved quickly considering the extensive geography and different regions that were involved. While the word to the Quran brought guidance to many, Islam spread by word of mouth while trading and military conquests took place. (Stearn,68) Throughout this paper I hope to show how the African Diaspora and slavery both economically and geographically played a huge role in the spread of Islam. The Islam faith offered rules that where easily followed, and it didn’t condemn or renounce material wealth. Economically Muslims brought strong skills in navigation, trade, and commercial exchange. (Fiero, 50) The famous Jihad also translated as the â€Å"holy war† was used as a defense in faith against non-Muslims. Although the Muslim armies did have success in defending there faith and it was thought that the Muslim religion brought power and triumph. As Africans where traded into the Islamic world many of them accepted and agreed with the Islamic faith. (Stern, 68) One example of a military slave that converted to the Islamic belief was a man named Ammar bin Yasir. He was one of the first African’s to embrace Islam, which he did at 48 years old. He told his father, an old Sabena freedman and his mother, also an old black African slave-woman that he had converted to Muslim. They also decided to embrace the Islam culture. When Ammar made and early conversion to Islam he suffered a great deal for his decision. He was punished and tortured, he was forced to sit and witness the brutal and horrifying death of his mother and father for their decision to convert to the Muslim faith and embracing Islam. The pagan Quraysh put a burning rod through Ammara’s chest t...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Blood Pressure Definition and First Aid Basics

Blood Pressure Definition and First Aid Basics Ever noticed how a hose spouting water in your favorite Saturday-morning cartoon always looked like it was a snake vomiting footballs? Despite the fact that the water coming out of the end of the hose was running smoothly, its still a pretty good representation of how blood flows through our veins: in waves that we call pulses. The Pressure of the Blood Blood pressure is the force  exerted against blood vessel walls by the blood as it flows through them. Because of the way arteries and veins are used by the circulatory system, arterial walls are much thicker and withstand higher pressures than venous walls do. Arteries have the ability to expand and constrict much more than veins can, which is necessary to adjust blood pressure. Because they exert that control, they have to be sturdy. When we measure blood pressure, we are measuring the pressure in the arteries. Usually, we measure the pressure in the brachial artery, although it is possible to measure blood pressure in other arteries as well. Blood pressure is manually measured using a stethoscope to listen blood flow turbulence, a cuff to constrict blood vessels enough to stop the flow, and a sphygmomanometer (big, fancy word for a pressure gauge and a squeeze bulb).   Electronic blood pressure monitors dont need humans (other than the one theyre testing) or stethoscopes. There are plenty of blood pressure monitors in homes today. If you have a blood pressure monitor or are considering buying one, you may be wondering what exactly blood pressure is and if you should monitor it. Why Does It Matter? Anyone who has left the water on in the garden has seen the hole that rushing water can make under pressure. That erosion can also happen in the body if high blood pressure is not treated. High blood pressure can also lead to strokes and aneurysms. An aneurysm is a weak spot in an artery that swells until it bursts, and hypertension makes that process happen faster. The Pulse Blood does not flow smoothly through arteries. Instead, it surges through the arteries each time the heart beats. That surge is known as the pulse and is easily felt through arteries in the wrist and neck. Even though blood is surging through the blood vessels, there is pressure on the vessels at all times. Indeed, the pulse we feel is really the difference between the pressure exerted against the arterials walls during the hearts rest and during the hearts contractions. Why an Upside Down Fraction? When blood pressure is measured, we commonly record the pressure as two numbers, one above the other,  like a fraction. The difference between a fraction and a blood pressure is that the top number of a blood pressure is always higher than the bottom number (example: 120/80). The top number is the systolic blood pressure. This is the pressure in the artery during the beating of the heart (systole). This is the pressure that creates the pulse we feel in the wrist or neck.The bottom number is the diastolic blood pressure. This is the pressure that is always in the artery, even when the heart is resting between beats (diastole).

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Short answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Short answer - Essay Example Now the kind of love that explains the relationship between man and woman, those are a couple of sexual partners, can be defined as a category in itself. However, referring to Aristotle’s works, Solomon might have tried to define love in a broader context. Consequently, he selected to reflect on human behavior (and particularly his/her statements) during sex. And Solomon does not hesitate to consider love from both homosexual and heterosexual perspectives. This turns a possible classification scheme rather blur because homosexual relationships cannot lead to child birth and be adjusted within the traditional concept of family. So, Solomon’s theory gives rise to a possible categorization scheme, where love is to be redefined as per the different situations that come up in the course of making love. And this love-making can be just hugging and kissing. It can also be a more intensive activity like sexual intercourse. Or it can be just like sharing words of affection or st aring at each other in fascination. In sum, categorizing love on the basis socio-sexual behavior becomes so much multidimensional so that no categorization remains achievable at all. And a single category of romantic love appears to be most difficult to shape. Finally, Solomon expresses his lack of confidence on today’s definition of romantic love. ... (Symposium, 207A) Diotima has been a controversial figure in the history of philosophy. There are opinions that Diotima is nothing but a character created by Plato himself. On the other hand, historical research reveals that Plato talked about the prophecies of real characters; so Diotima might have been a real philosopher of ancient Greece. Whatever was the case, Diotima’s definition and perspective on human love can be better understood as a Platonic concept since most of her ideas have been conveyed and/or analyzed by Plato only. Diotima was a female philosopher, so her analysis is important from the perspective of studying gender relations too. Hence the term Platonic love can be attributed to Diotima in a wider way. Apparently, Platonic love is an acceptance of the power of beauty and it might be related to sexuality too, because beauty is largely about physical attractiveness of a person. However, Diotima’s treatment of the topic was not as much linear as a sexual ity and physical beauty related affair. In fact, she tried to correlate love with the beauty of mind. For Diotima, begetting something cannot be just a physical achievement as must be explained in terms of touch, visibility, etc. Diotima put more emphasis on the realization of beauty by human mind that culminate at divinity. So originating from Diotima’s fundamental prophecies, Platonic love accomplishes at the essence of asexual love, where beauty and creation are still at the prime focus. So sexuality can also be introduced in this realm, but not from the viewpoint of fulfilling sexual desire. Sex and beauty, from the view of Platonic love can be more purposive as for to have children or build relationship. Finally, Diotima’s approach appears to be more holistic and

Friday, November 1, 2019

CCDC Organization Chart for HR Leaders Research Paper

CCDC Organization Chart for HR Leaders - Research Paper Example Completing a merger and financially sound, this construction company is located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and looks to the future to gain further competitive advantage with its’ human resource strategies. b. Key HR Objectives for Year Five i. Establish an HR Framework (See Appendix A) ii. Establish HR Measures aligned with Customer metrics iii. HR Strategic Objectives to work toward - Five priorities in Year Five (Five in Five): 1. Develop a culture that reflects CCDC Today and in the Future 2. Develop a succession planning process and implement process 3. Establish proper HR staffing levels and HR Staff as Strategic Business Partners 4. Identify key HR functions/objectives in relationship to Framework Stages 1 – 4 to allow maximum HR goal setting and achievement. 5. Develop and Implement a Performance Management System. 2. Introduction a. The purpose of this report is to present a brief summary of the case study for CCDC based on the company profile and circums tances and a recommendation for human resource (HR) strategy. The creation of the company, CCDC, is a result of two smaller construction companies merging in 2007. The services provided are project management and civil engineering, full design and construction services, and construction services for public and private clients. ...ategic business objectives involve reducing the levels in the chain of command; implementing a coaching method of management rather than autocratic; maintain financial success; and ensure high quality services, meet the health and safety needs of staff, meet environmental standards, and improvements made in networks and purchasing agreements. c. While there has been an emphasis on HR policies and initiatives to support these objectives, there is also a question as to whether HR practices add value and how the effects of HR on the organizational culture may be evaluated. 3. Problems and Issues a. First, Cabrera and Cabrera (2003) and Rose and Kumar (2006) wo uld note the lack of a human resource strategic framework. CCDC lacks an overall HR strategic framework that HR objectives, programs, training, and policies can fall within or under. The framework could then be used by the leaders when they are conducting their strategic planning to avoid placing the leaders in the position to do the business planning, then step out of the planning and pass the business objectives to HR to do the work from a support standpoint – resulting in a disconnect (Porter, 1996). Both HR and the business need to be operating as one. There are resulting comments regarding HR functioning in a support role, which is counter to business needs. b. Second, once the framework is in place, CCDC needs the development of human resource strategic objectives and tactics that are an extension of the framework and the operational strategies as found in the literature rather than a reaction to operational requests.